Monday, 15 September 2008

The Chore of Food Shopping

Those who know me well know what a 'computer nerd' I am. Virtually all I am involved in can be linked back to my PC. Well yesterday's chore was to get the weekly food shopping. We have moved house recently and the usual boring task has been made acutely more tiresome now that I find myself using different supermarkets, with different layouts. I never quite got off my PC and went!

I have tried online shopping, comparing the big four, Ocado, Sainsbury's, Tesco and Asda, I am never quite sure I get the best deals, but I hop between them.

Kevin gave me this to look at yesterday,, and it does address a lot of the problems of online shopping. The ability to compare prices across the various stores is really useful, the ability to change shop if one of the others is proving cheaper this week. Further it is possible to make substitutes within each shop on price and health properties!

Yes, this amuses me. Well....I have not placed my first order yet, but have imported my favourites and had a bit of a play. Will be using it soon........

1 comment:

Karen's Korner said...

I used Tesco several times to get shopping for my Mum in the UK. I found that it took almost as long as actually going to the shop, but was useful to me as I didn't have transport. Also, sometimes what looked like a good deal online wasn't quite what I thought it was when it arrived! I suppose, like most things, it takes practice to get it right! Congrats on getting your blog started!